Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Speed Painting of Creature for Lost World

I am trying to build up a bestiary for all the creatures I am going to include in my final pieces, some sort of well where I can just pick up illustrations and work them into my landscapes. This is the first, with some t rex influence. In the end I feel it looks like a chicken.


  1. Hey Paul,
    Love this illustration, looks amazing. I found it while I was looking for an image to use for one of my final projects for design class in which we are designing a magazine. Your illustration would be perfect for cover. I wanted to see if I could get your permission to use it. This is strictly for educational use, my final project for a class. Would really appreciate it =)
    You can email me through my blog, my name should be clickable. Or add a comment here, I'll be back to check it out. I didn't find a way to get in touch with you, so comment was the only way.

    Thanks for your time, really appreciate it.

  2. Hey Viktor,

    Sure I wouldn't mind! I appreciate the interest, and you have all my permission.

