Monday, February 7, 2011

The Setting

The Setting.

      I want my scene to be set in a 1950’s to 60’s Paris, with a retro look to the whole thing. It is summer so that I am able to add warm colours, and justify a strong light. While not going into a complete cliché of French life, I still really enjoy the looks, as found in films from those periods, such as Passe-Muraille and La Grande Vadrouille with Bourvil, or some of the Films made by Louis de Funes, like Le Petit Baigneur. I will look into these films for inspiration in their style, as some do not represent the era they where filmed in. The setting could be defined by pictures by photographers like Henri Cartier Bresson and Jacques-Henri Lartigue. Their pictures from the 50’s and 60’s define a style I am looking for. Bresson for the scenes, Lartigue for the movement. Robert Doisneau has also produced some highly interesting pictures of children which I will use as reference.

His pictures of children represent EXACTLY what I my two kids are like. I am not going to show all the pictures I am using, as I will do an influence map for that later, yet I will show the few of resume my idea the best.







I want the design of all the buildings to be similar to this, with the design of the joke shop similar to that of the Shakespeare library which I showed on my first influence map. I like the almost barren, stony look of these pictures, with the people really giving life to the whole.

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